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Sex of GMFA

Explore the sex
of GMFA.

GMFA's unique point of view was one that didn't shy away from representing all aspects of the sex lives of gay men.  GMFA identified empowerment as key to person centred health interventions.  A big part of this work was the understanding and promoting of healthy, satisfying and enjoyable sex through campaigns that were often explicit, sexy and loud, but always firmly rooted within the diverse voices of the community.





Is there something we're missing?

We want to make sure that GMFA's legacy includes as much of our history as possible, from the people who were there.  If you think that there is something we're missing, or you'd like to get in touch about our archive, documentary or podcast series, please contact us.


LGBT HERO is the national health and wellbeing charity for LGBTQ+ people supporting over 100,000 people a month.

LGBT HERO is the trading name of the Health Equality and Rights Organisation.

Contact us

Unit 74, The Link
49 Effra Road
Brixton, London

Find out more about LGBT HERO here




Charity Number: 1076854
Company limited by guarantee: 2702133

Unless otherwise stated, all content is subject to the following licence:

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) Open Licence.


 © 2023 LGBT HERO

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